Get In Touch
Have any questions or comments? Use this form to contact me at any time. Feel free to use the prompts below if you have feedback on a book:
- Did you feel confused or jarred at any point?
- Any questions you feel were not resolved by the end?
- Was the humour significant enough to make you chuckle?
- Were you moved emotionally in some parts?
- Did the story feel complete?
- Was it satisfying or did you feel cheated?
- Anything you feel should have been included that wasn't?
- Anything you feel should have been excluded, that wasn't necessary?
- Did it come across that the story was being told in the voice of the POV character - from his perspective?
- Did you feel the main character had changed by the end of the story, improved his attitude, etc?
- Did you think the book appealed more to a certain age range?
- Did the story seem to move too slowly at any point?
- Did the story seem rushed at any point?
- Did any of the main characters seem too cardboard?
- Did the story seem plausible? Any points that seemed too unbelievable?
- Was there too much cliche?
- Did the chosen Point of View work?
- How was the dialogue?
- How was the description?
- Was there enough description? Too little? Too much?
- What did you think of the cover? Did it suit the story/audience?
- What did you think of the font, font size and layout?
- Did you read the physical book or ebook?